Yoga Wednesdays
This semester, I wanted to push for photo galleries with more complexity and emotion. In order to do this, I suggested getting quick interviews to add to the photos. For coverage of the Associated Student Body's Wednesday yoga classes for this month, I went in to take photos, but I also asked the sponsor a few questions while I was there.
Backed Up
As I wrote a story on the impact of lengthening morning traffic on the road into school, I knew I needed to visually show what was actually happening at the school entrance. In this shot, I have the intersection preceding the main entrance where a car is trying to cut someone off, a more than common situation at 8:20 a.m., 15 minutes before the first bell.
Add to Cart
I worked with KnightTV Live Executive Producer Luis Hernandez to stage a photo illustration that depicted the psychology that made online shopping, especially around the holidays, so addictive. We played with lighting behind and shining on my face to illustrate a moment with a focus on the phone and stacks of boxes around myself to depict consumerism.
Study session
I was really excited about my idea for this image. I didn't want to take a traditional eye-level photo of students looking down at a desk side by side, so I tried an aerial view instead.
To accompany my story on the effects of the initial lockdowns in 2020, I knew it would be important to visually show the isolated and empty state of a local restaurant whose owner was interviewed in the story that accompanied the photo.